I’m one of those people who when I’m feeling down or blah, I dress up. I put on heels and makeup—the whole nine. It’s not that I feel ugly but there’s something about making an effort. Or as my good friend Maya would say, “dressing like you have a real job.” I thought of this when I came across Dove’s latest surefire viral video. (OK, side note, the marketer in me is SO JEALOUS that they get to play with and come up with wonderful, tear-jerking, and powerful marketing content over and over again…it is always so SPOT ON.)
Dove’s #ChooseBeautiful campaign perfectly complements all of their other pieces that ultimately empower women to love themselves and appreciate their features – from head to toe. And if you need a little help, there’s a Dove product to help make you a little softer and cleaner :). I’m a realist. I love my natural look, but there’s nothing wrong with a little product to give you a little boost!
For my family Dove is our brand of choice. My mother uses it. My Aunts use it. My cousins. We’re loyal, yo. With #ChooseBeautiful, Dove goes beyond just being a product; it’s purposeful. It makes all of us pause and attempt to answer the question: How did we get here? To this place where we question our beauty? To this point where we obsessively compare ourselves to a ridiculous “beauty” standard? To this door where, even when we think we’re beautiful, we choose to walk through average because we think that’s how others see us?
We make choices all day, every day without even realizing it. We make judgments about ourselves and doubt our worth. We all fear to talk us out of moving forward confidently.
I found it particularly interesting that for some folks, if they didn’t have a friend drag them through, they would have gone through the average door. And sometimes that’s all you need – a little push. This new video does just that!
Which door do you think you would have walked through?
When I first saw the commercial I was so confused because to me, there was no question but then I thought about the experiences I’ve had with woman and watched it. Saddens me…
MayaVery sad! Honestly, I can’t truly say which door I would have gone through. I want to believe and say I would have chosen beautiful 🙂