Finding Purpose in the Hard Seasons

In our journey to find purpose, it’s natural to think that life should be easier, especially when we’re striving to follow God’s will. But the truth is, challenges often accompany purpose. When we encounter difficulties, it can be tempting to question God’s presence and wonder why things aren’t falling into place more easily. However, as I explore in my book, Purposeful Prayers, it’s in these very moments that God often does His deepest work in us.

When life feels overwhelming, it’s important to remember that God doesn’t promise an easy path. Instead, He promises His presence, His grace, and His strength to help us endure and grow. This is where the true meaning of “blessed” comes into play, a concept I unpack in the video below.

In the YouTube video, The Abundant Blessings of a Relationship with God, I explore the rich meaning of the Greek word makarios, which is often translated as “blessed” in the Bible. Contrary to popular belief, makarios doesn’t just refer to happiness or ease. It’s about the deep sense of peace and fulfillment that comes from a relationship with God, even when life is hard.

Watch the video below to learn more about how God’s abundant blessings are present even in the most difficult seasons of life.

Here are three “purpose through challenges” questions you can ask yourself:

  1. How is God using this challenge to shape my purpose?
    Instead of asking “Why me?” in tough times, consider how God might be using these experiences to refine you and prepare you for something greater.
  2. What blessings or lessons am I overlooking because I’m focused on the difficulty?
    Sometimes, blessings are hidden in the hardest moments. Ask God to open your eyes to the lessons or growth opportunities that might be unfolding through the challenge.
  3. How can I lean into God’s strength instead of my own?
    When life is hard, it’s easy to rely on your own strength to push through. But God calls us to rely on Him. Where can you surrender control and trust in His power to carry you through?

Remember, God is with you every step of the way, extending His grace and offering His blessings in the midst of your struggles.
