“I don’t want that in MY church.” I cringed. I was talking with someone about how she was very generous to a person facing hard times but how she didn’t want the individual to attend “her” church because of their lifestyle.
In going through my “Experiencing God” unit lesson for today, I thought of that exchange.
“MY church.” That bothered me then and now so much. I was speechless when the person said it because they were so emphatic.
“Not MY church.” Girl if you don’t go on somewhere
Let’s be clear. Despite whatever human rules, regulations, and elections, it is Jesus’ church. It is the body of Christ. When it is believed that authority lies outside of Christ as the head—of your life AND ”your church”— you have a significant problem.
A question I ask myself more often these days is: am I acting like this is mine or Christ’s?
When we reference “man robbing God,” it is often regarding tithes/offering/money. But y’all the whole point is that we do not rob Jesus of divine sovereignty in ANY area of life.
In all things, we must learn to trust Jesus’ leadership far better than our own.