When I wrote my Christmas book, Happily Ever Christmas, I wanted to share a special story that gives you all the warm and fuzzies. I also wanted to touch on something that many people deal with during the holiday season: grief.
“He knows how tough it can be for you,” he said, clenching the steering wheel. “This time of year.”
This time of year.
The thing is I wanted to be happy so bad, but I could never muster up enough joy to fill the void. I didn’t want to bring everybody else down, so I never mentioned it. I faked along, knowing that while the holidays boosted the spirits of others, they only made me think of what I lost. What I did. Guilt gnawed at me and the aching sadness that came every December overshadowed the Christmas cheer of this time of year.
Happily ever christmas by lakeshia poole
This isn’t an easy time for a lot of people. And I want to talk about it. I’m hosting a conversation on Tuesday, December 22 at 7 pm ET. I’ve invited some friends to join me and share their hearts, experiences, and resources.
Listen, whether you’ve personally experienced loss or you know someone who is going through difficulties right now, I know the anxiety, fear, doubt, and sadness that comes with this territory. It’s enough to make you want to run into a corner and hide from the whole world. But I also know that there is healing in sharing. There is hope in connecting with others — even virtually.
I hope you’ll join us. Registered attendees get a FREE downloadable guide full of tips, stories, scriptures and resources. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/HolidayHeal.