How to Break Through Spiritual walls: 3 Practical Steps for Women Who Want to Go Deeper

If you’ve ever felt like your spiritual life has hit a plateau, you’re not alone. Many women who are dedicated to their faith eventually reach a point where their prayer life or Bible study routine feels stagnant. It’s easy to become comfortable with the same routine, but God calls us to grow and go deeper.

If you’re longing for more depth in your relationship with God and seeking ways to reignite your passion for spiritual growth, here are three practical steps to break through that spiritual plateau and move closer to the heart of God.

1. Change Your Routine

One of the easiest ways to break out of a spiritual plateau is to simply switch things up. Sometimes, the repetition of doing the same things at the same time can make your quiet time feel predictable.

Here are a few ways to change your routine:

  • Switch the time: If you always do your devotionals in the morning, try shifting them to the evening, or vice versa.
  • Add in sound: If your quiet time usually consists of reading or prayer in silence, try incorporating worship music to set the tone and inspire you. Read your Bible aloud instead of silently. It’s really simple, but these tiny tweaks can refresh your devotional time.
  • Spend time outdoors: Take your prayer time or Bible study outside. Nature can often bring a fresh perspective, allowing you to experience God’s creation in a new way. The Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1), so what better way to connect with Him than through His creation?

Shaking up your routine can refresh your connection with God and help you see things from a different perspective.

2. Join a Small Group of Women to Hold Each Other Up

Accountability is key when it comes to spiritual growth. Surrounding yourself with like-minded women who are also striving to grow in their faith can provide the encouragement and support you need to push through spiritual plateaus.

Consider joining a small group of 3-4 women who will not only hold you accountable but also pray with you, study scripture together, and celebrate each other’s victories. As Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” By walking alongside a group of sisters in Christ, you’ll be challenged to keep growing and won’t have to go through the tough seasons of life alone.

3. Facilitate a Bible Study Lesson

Another powerful way to reignite your spiritual growth is by facilitating a Bible study. When you’re tasked with leading a group, it requires you to approach your study time with a different level of commitment and focus. You’ll naturally want to dive deeper into the scriptures, ensuring that you’re fully prepared to lead others with excellence.

Leading a study not only deepens your personal understanding of God’s Word, but it also allows you to serve others and cultivate leadership skills. As you teach, you’ll find that you grow in ways you might not have expected. Sharing what God has revealed to you with others can be a catalyst for your own spiritual transformation.

Breaking through a spiritual plateau isn’t about adding more pressure on yourself to be perfect in your walk with God. Instead, it’s about intentionally creating space for new experiences with Him. Whether it’s shaking up your routine, finding accountability in a small group, or facilitating a Bible study, these steps can help you reignite your passion for spiritual growth.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into your prayer life, I invite you to explore my book, Purposeful Prayers, which is designed to help you stay connected to God’s will and reignite your spiritual fire.

What changes will you make today to break through your spiritual blocks? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more faith-filled content!
