PIN IT! Downtown Sandersville is a beautiful place from many angles. Photo Credit: Angela Moryan
I’m very proud of where I come from. Sandersville is a small town in the heart of Georgia and boasts a rich history, unique natural resources and colorful people. I’m easily inspired by the environment and am always coming up with new story ideas. I even included Sandersville (and its kaolin dusted roads) in my first book Don’t Let Me Fall.
I had the opportunity to talk about my writing journey with the local magazine, Sandersville Scene. It really meant a lot to me because I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my book and love for writing with friends in Athens, Decatur and Atlanta, but home is a special place. You can virtually flip through it below or on their website — my story starts on page 9.
Check out these behind-the-scenes photos that didn’t make the article!

PIN IT! We visited my local library. It’s not only the place where I discovered a love of stories, but it has served as a go-to quiet spot to get in writing, editing and FREE internet! Photo Credit: Angela Moryan

PIN IT! We found some interesting spots to showcase my new book, Exes and O’s. I LOVED this yellow door. Photo Credit: Angela Moryan

We stopped by the “old library.” It really brought back some good memories. I could get lost in those stacks. Photo Credit: Angela Moryan
Thanks to the Sandersville Scene, writer Vic Powell, photographer Angela Moryan and editor Natalie Davis for this opportunity. It made my mom especially proud :D.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out Don’t Let Me Fall or Exes and O’s, paperback and ebook versions are available on Amazon!